【廣島産】MAM Cafe 花生豆 - 抹茶牛奶
* 自明治二年於廣島縣生產
* 豆製糕點營養豐富
* 傳統加現代不一樣的味道
* 吉祥食品,是最佳的伴手禮

MAM Omame 是日本廣島縣特產的豆菓子。承傳自明治二年的傳統製作,酥脆的豆子,包裏精心配製不同口味的麵團,烤烘出既懷舊又現代的味道。豆菓子是婚禮等場合的吉祥食品。
這產品有五種口味 ( 黑芝麻、牛奶咖啡、黃豆粉、抹茶牛奶、檸檬 ) 可供選擇。
包裝尺寸:寬 7.3 厘米,深 7.3 厘米,高 7.3 厘米
種類:Kurogoma ( 黑芝麻 ),Kinako ( 黃豆粉 ),Lemon ( 檸檬 ),Matcha Milk ( 抹茶牛奶 ),Milk Coffee ( 牛奶咖啡 )
內容量:80 克 ( 黑芝麻、黃豆粉、抹茶 ),60 克 ( 檸檬、牛奶咖啡 )

Kurogoma ( 黑芝麻 )
花生、糖粉、黑芝麻、小麥粉、調整豆乳粉末、植物油脂、砂糖、乳糖、澱粉、 乳製品、還原糖漿、糯米粉、澱粉分解物/ 穩定劑、膨脹劑、植物炭粉顏料、乳化劑 ( 源自大豆 )
Kinako ( 黃豆粉 )
Kinako ( 包括大豆 )、 花生、糖粉、小麥粉、植物油脂、砂糖、澱粉、脫脂奶粉、還原糖漿、糯米粉、澱粉分解物/ 穩定劑、膨脹劑、植物炭粉顏料、乳化劑 ( 源自大豆 )
Lemon ( 檸檬 )
花生、糖粉、小麥粉、植物油脂、砂糖、澱粉、檸檬粉、糊精、還原糖漿、糯米粉、檸檬汁/ 穩定劑、膨脹劑、酸化劑、香料、乳化劑 ( 源自大豆 )
Matcha Milk ( 抹茶牛奶 )
花生、糖粉、脱脂奶粉、小麥粉、植物油脂、砂糖、澱粉、抹茶、還原糖漿、糯米粉、澱粉分解物/ 穩定劑、膨脹劑、植物炭粉顏料、乳化劑 ( 源自大豆 )
Milk Coffee ( 牛奶咖啡 )
花生、糖粉、脫脂奶粉、小麥粉、植物油脂、砂糖、可可油、澱粉、乳糖、全脂奶粉、還原奶糖、糯米粉、咖啡豆、澱粉分解物、可可粉/ 穩定劑、膨脹劑、香料、可可粉色素、乳化劑 ( 源自大豆 )。
日本四面環海,天然資源豐富,到處都有美味的食物。而已為人知的美味食物只是冰山一角,仍有許多的待人們去發掘。 MAM Cafe 一直對食材和味道很講究。根植在本土的特殊價值觀,品牌承傳本土的傳統特色,以新的角度,重新思考並不斷創造新產品,以滿足追求優質而獨特食品的客戶。 透過無限的創意和巧思,MAM Cafe 除了讓食物料理得美味外,同時力求產品的外型美觀,以求達到食物色、香、味俱全,使用家或收禮物者同樣感到幸福。
Shipment information
- Orders under HK$800 are charged a HK$100 flat rate for shipping
- Shipping is free for orders over HK$800
- Orders are shipped directly from our warehouses in Japan.
- We currently ship to Hong Kong and Japan
- Carrier is dependent on the type of product. We typically ship with Japan Post/EMS, FedEx or DHL.
- Payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal
- In case of any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.
- We reserves the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
- The Markat.com reserves the right of all final decision related to the Delivery Service and any disputes.
We do our best to ship out orders within 2 business days of the order confirmation. The estimated delivery window provided by The Markat reflects most standard deliveries. However, some orders may occasionally be subject to longer transit time caused by air freight delay, customs hold, or any other unforeseen complications outside of The Markat’s control.
Customs Information
HONG KONG : Please check with your local customs office to see if you can import the items, and if any additional licenses or permits are needed. For information about customs, import duties, etc., visit : Customs and Excise Department https://www.customs.gov.hk/
CHINA : For CERI Clearance, Chinese customs requires the order Buyer and Payee must be the same. China Customs also requires the Payee information to exactly match with the Cardholder information registered with payment companies for all orders shipping into China. Please kindly confirm before making the purchase. The annual limit for an individual will be RMB26,000 (not limited to The Markat purchases). To avoid customs confiscation, please check your annual personal limit before making the purchase.
Women's Shoes Size Chart
JP | 22 | 22.5 | 23 | 23.5 | 24 | 24.5 |
USA | 4.5 | 5 | 5.5 | 6 | 6.5 | 7 |
UK | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 | 5.5 |
ITA | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 |
FR | 34 | 35 | 35.5 | 36 | 36.5 | 37 |
Men's Shoes Size Chart
JP | 24.5 | 25 | 25.5 | 26 | 26.5 | 27 |
USA | 6.5 | 7 | 7.5 | 8 | 8.5 | 9 |
UK | 6 | 6.5 | 7 | 7.5 | 8 | 8.5 |
ITA | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |
FR | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |