Grace / Envelope
* 不一般的香氣信封
* 色和香味互相配搭,討人喜愛
* 給收件人帶來驚喜
Grace 造了一個薄薄的盒子,印上美麗的信封圖像,內放滿了色彩豐富、帶香味的百花香。信封背面設有香味窗口,讓香味從此散出。
Envelope 讓你為所愛的人提供香味,傳遞愛的訊息,好讓收件人會驚訝這設計,感到你的心意。

商品有 10 種不同顏色和香味提供選擇:
01 Beige (Vanilla) - 微甜略帶澀味的香草香味。
02 Green (Carol Ocenique) - 清新的睡蓮香味,予人乾淨清爽的感覺。
03 Sky Blue (Freshy Dew) - 清新又帶點酸甜的柑橘香調。
04 Blue (Ice Fruity) - 結合了鮮果的香甜和嫰葉的清香。
05 Purple (Lavender) - 薰衣草淡淡温和香味。它可以緩解、平復緊張情緒。
06 Yellow (Clairessence) - 柑橘的清香,略帶熱帶風情的甜味。
07 Pink (Rosebowl) - 甜美優雅的成熟玫瑰香味,令人振奮。
08 Satin Pink (Love Delight) - 濃郁的花香,給你一個美好的時光。
09 Red (Honey) - 送上如蜂蜜帶來的一種甜甜的氣味。
10 Orange (Mange & Papaya) - 芒果和木瓜的香味,和諧中令人感到舒適和愉快。

尺寸:寛 17.6 厘米,深 1.5 厘米,高 12 厘米
種類:12 種選擇 (參考商品說明)
芳香期:1 - 2 個月
* 香味的持續時間取決於室內的温度和濕度。
* 如果香味已變淡了,你可以翻動一下百花香,來享受氣味直到最後。
* 加入香油,可增加香味。
* 百花香若長時間接觸布料或紙,它的顏色可能會轉移到物料上。
* 由於在自然物料中着色, 久用會褪色,但不影響其質量。
* 請勿將本商品用於其它的目的。
各時代賦予女性自信的是香水。香味是種自古流傳下來的文化。香水和室內香味同是透露出女仕的個性和品位。讓空氣充滿香味,並非是現代人的發明,古典女性如 Cleopatra 和 Marie Antoinette 就恰如份地利用香味,展現出個人的魅力和優雅。
Grace (優雅) 一詞,是一個女性的整體表現。Grace by Goody Grams 以 (Grace) 為名,造出女仕們喜愛的產品。除 Fragrance 系列外,也為女性精緻生活的細節上,用心創作其他優美的產品,使女仕們在生活上得到更大的滿足。Goody Grams 的 GRACE一款在不同時期賦予女性力量的香水。香水是一種自古流傳下來的文化,可以說是女性的重要物品,因為在那個時代過著堅強而靈活的女性,例如克利奧帕特拉和瑪麗·安托瓦內特,總是穿著它。力量、柔順、優雅、和藹、優雅、友善……“恩典”一詞具有所有含義。
Shipment information
- Orders under HK$800 are charged a HK$100 flat rate for shipping
- Shipping is free for orders over HK$800
- Orders are shipped directly from our warehouses in Japan.
- We currently ship to Hong Kong and Japan
- Carrier is dependent on the type of product. We typically ship with Japan Post/EMS, FedEx or DHL.
- Payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal
- In case of any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.
- We reserves the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
- The Markat.com reserves the right of all final decision related to the Delivery Service and any disputes.
We do our best to ship out orders within 2 business days of the order confirmation. The estimated delivery window provided by The Markat reflects most standard deliveries. However, some orders may occasionally be subject to longer transit time caused by air freight delay, customs hold, or any other unforeseen complications outside of The Markat’s control.
Customs Information
HONG KONG : Please check with your local customs office to see if you can import the items, and if any additional licenses or permits are needed. For information about customs, import duties, etc., visit : Customs and Excise Department https://www.customs.gov.hk/
CHINA : For CERI Clearance, Chinese customs requires the order Buyer and Payee must be the same. China Customs also requires the Payee information to exactly match with the Cardholder information registered with payment companies for all orders shipping into China. Please kindly confirm before making the purchase. The annual limit for an individual will be RMB26,000 (not limited to The Markat purchases). To avoid customs confiscation, please check your annual personal limit before making the purchase.
Women's Shoes Size Chart
JP | 22 | 22.5 | 23 | 23.5 | 24 | 24.5 |
USA | 4.5 | 5 | 5.5 | 6 | 6.5 | 7 |
UK | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 | 5.5 |
ITA | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 |
FR | 34 | 35 | 35.5 | 36 | 36.5 | 37 |
Men's Shoes Size Chart
JP | 24.5 | 25 | 25.5 | 26 | 26.5 | 27 |
USA | 6.5 | 7 | 7.5 | 8 | 8.5 | 9 |
UK | 6 | 6.5 | 7 | 7.5 | 8 | 8.5 |
ITA | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |
FR | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |